Dapps Dapps (Testnet)


where you meet people who share your interest, who are as passionate about it as you.

Discover or start communities where you truly belong and collectively own shares in it with like-minded people.
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Share what you love.
Own Shares in what you love.

A place where you can be yourself

Find communities that match your passions or start your own. This is your place to connect, share, and feel at home with people who get you.

An investment in your passion

Be more than a member—become an owner. Invest in your favorite communities. It's about making your passion part of your portfolio.

Censorship resistant exchange of ideas

Share your thoughts and connect with kindred spirits without any barriers. Here, every voice is valued, and your freedom to express is celebrated. It's not just about speaking up—it's about being heard and feeling belonged.

Connect passionately, grow collectively.

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Dapps makes online communities more exciting by letting you own shares in them. It’s like combining Facebook groups with the stock market—join communities, share your thoughts, and own part of the community.

We calculate the share prices using a model called the bonded curve, which is similar to how automatic market makers like Uniswap work. When more people buy into a community, the share price gradually increases, reflecting the growing interest and value. Conversely, when people sell their shares, the price decreases. We have two types of community settings:

    General Communities: Here, the price changes are slower and more gradual, suitable for larger groups.
    Niche Communities: In these, price changes are more rapid and noticeable, tailored for smaller, specialized groups.
This model helps ensure that the pricing remains fair and adjusts dynamically with community activity, giving you immediate, transparent pricing for buying and selling shares.

There’s no set number of shares. Whenever someone new joins a community, a new share is created(minted) just for them! And when someone sells, their share goes away(burnt). This keeps everything fair and stops people from messing with the prices.

Dapps runs on a super fast and cheap version of Ethereum called Base chain. It's a Ethereum L2 chain with low fees, high throughput and fast speed.

You can make a community for almost anything! Whether it’s a club for your band, your favorite game, or a school group, you can start one. Choose between a General community for lots of people or a niche community for just a few friends.

Dapps integrates robust security mechanisms to protect your data and interactions. Utilizing IPFS for decentralized storage ensures that your content is resistant to censorship and control, while blockchain technology safeguards your transactions and interactions within the community. Additionally, you maintain full control of your private keys, which are essential for accessing your account and assets. This design not only enhances security but also empowers you as a user to manage your digital identity and assets securely.

For some communities that are open, yes, you can peek inside and see what’s happening! But to really join in the fun—like commenting or posting—you need to own a share. For encrypted communities, you need to be a member to see anything.

You do! You can choose to export them anytime.

While Dapps is all about having fun and exchange of ideas between like-minded people, it also enables you to commercialize your interest. Dapps offers multiple ways for you to benefit financially from actively participating in and contributing to communities. Firstly, you can earn a 5% commission on every transaction when shares of your community are bought or sold. This active earning mechanism directly rewards community founders and active participants. Additionally, as a shareholder in any community, you can potentially earn from the appreciation of share values as the community grows and becomes more popular. This passive income stream allows you to invest in communities that align with your interests and gain financially as they succeed